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Every time I try encoding to mpg2, it does everything perfectly fine, but when I play back the video, every 10 seconds or so the video glitches and it looks like it replaces a frame with one that came about 1/2 a second before. It really is quite annoying having the screen glitch every ten seconds, anybody else have this problem or knows how to fix it?
Ive downloaded an AVI file from kaza and tried to convert it to mpeg using TMPGEnc. Ive followed the guidnace on dvdhelper. At one point it said that i could preview the moive so i tried to do this but it was play nothing. I then burned it to a cd using Nero, it played on the dvd player but it was blank space.
What am i doing wrong as the AVI file plays on my PC.
Well you should Never Burn any Mpeg File to disk unless you have watched it first on your computer..And if there is No Preview then there will not be an image in the file after encodeing...You probably just need to go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and raise the Priority of the "Direct Show Multimedia File Reader" to "2"..This should make the Preview show an image...
Can someone please tell me how I can encode avi to mpeg without 1st creating a wav file. Some of my avi file can be done that way but most of the xvid files cannot. Is there a missing codec or environment setting of TMPGEnc that I need to correct. I know I have all the codec bec the avi file plays all right. I tried changing the DDirectShow priority to 2 but TMPG crashes after.
Any Help? Thanks
The Problem is that XviD files usually have AC3 audio and Tmpgenc can"t handle AC3 audio, Not a Lot of Programs can...Some Poeple have claimed that they have been able to use AC3 in Tmpgenc useing the right combination of Filters but I have never been able to duplicate their success..And Tmpgenc does not like VBR Audio streams and some DivX and XviD files have "VBR MP3" .....
john ( Mail ) 04/08 (Tue) 11:27 ( ID:ch3wja83ual ) [ Edit / Delete / Reply with quotation ]
any1 ????
Ashy 04/08 (Tue) 12:59 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc ) [ Edit / Delete / Reply with quotation ]
Why in the hell do you have your filter priorities set so high?!
You very rarely have to even have any of the filters above 2 never mind anywhere near 7. Your settings are just crazy.
My advice to you is to first lower all those priorities. Change directshow to 2, and the rest to 0
john ( Mail ) 04/09 (Wed) 03:09 ( ID:ch3wja83ual ) [ Edit / Delete / Reply with quotation ]
OOh sorry i will try this hope it works
What are the best settings to use to encode an mpeg2 for a svcd.
I captured avi file using a fire wire card and dV camcorder.
It's about 60 min of video 13gb avi file. I don't mind putting
30 min on each svcd.
There is no "Best Settings", What is best is what looks good to you and what would work with one DV file might not work with another DV file..A High Bitrate is allways good, and allways remember to get your Field order correct when working with DV Files but other than that use your own Judgement and do some sample Encodes to see what setting produce what effect, Useing the "CQ" or "Constant Quality" setting usually produces the best results...
I've recently updated to the latest version of TMPGEnc 2.510 from 2.53 and have noticed that the DirectShow Multimedia File Reader (under VFAPI Plug-in) no longer supports .mov files.
Why has the support been removed?
Is there anyway to support it again in 2.510?
I've tried using the QT Movie Reader and that didn't help (not that I expected it would).
I don"t know what you are talking about , MOV support was only possible with the "QT Mov VFAPI Plugin" and it has allways been this way, at least since version 2.51..The only way to get Tmpgenc to support Mov files is to use the Plugin...
>I've recently updated to the latest version of TMPGEnc 2.510 from 2.53 and have noticed that the DirectShow Multimedia File Reader (under VFAPI Plug-in) no longer supports .mov files.
>Why has the support been removed?
>Is there anyway to support it again in 2.510?
>I've tried using the QT Movie Reader and that didn't help (not that I expected it would).
>If anyone can help that would be great.
>Thank you in advance.
I am trying to make SVCD's. My stand alone DVD player will not play them. I have made several hundred VCD's but the quality just isn't good enough for my taste. I do DVD's now but the blanks are still too expensive. I have run my SVCD thru Multiplex in Tmpegnc to create a VCD header that will "trick" my player to playing it. I have had success somewhat, but the video stops for several seconds then catches up to audio. it does it all thru the movie. It played perfectly with Win DVD on computer. I have 512 MB RAM and a 2.13 Ghz Athelon processor. I used Easy VCD to burn because it was the only one I found that would except SVCD with A VCD header.(Stomp RecordNow Max and Ulead Movie Factory are the two I have most success with in the past. ) Any ideas why the video stops and starts??
I have also tried making a bin/cue image and then burning it.
The Bitrate is to high. Some Players are not able to Play VCDs (also faked ones) with higher Bitrates. So, the Headertrick is no choice for you, no chance.
Can you tell me how you did this header trick ? I want to do something similar.
I want to make ulead moviefactory THINK that my 33khz and 44khz mpeg1 files are 48khz mpeg1 files so I can burn them to DVD without the HOURS longer conversion that this usually requires.
I used DVD2AVI to produce a video file and a wav file from the movie inspector gadget 2. The audio file is a conversion from ac3 to WAV audio. When I play the file the sound works perfectly. But when I run TMPGenc to create a mpeg2 movie the audio disappears. I try to play the file and I get error message_unsupported audio source. Why does it work fine, then when it's run through TMPGEnc it doesn't have sound? I have read it must be a wav file and it is. I have tried everything, even using an older version of TMPG. I have made other movies, with no problem using the same settings. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, I AM LOSING MY MIND...I HAVE TRIED THIS 12 TIMES NOW...PLEASE, PLEASE HELP.
I am having the same problem. For some of the newer movies, when I go to create a vcd using TPMGEnc, the audio drops out. This has been happening to many of the newer movies. HELP!
I am trying to make SVCD's. My stand alone DVD player will not play them. I have made several hundred VCD's but the quality just isn't good enough for my taste. I do DVD's now but the blanks are still too expensive. I have run my SVCD thru Multiplex in Tmpegnc to create a VCD header that will "trick" my player to playing it. I have had success somewhat, but the video stops for several seconds then catches up to audio. it does it all thru the movie. It played perfectly with Win DVD on computer. I have 512 MB RAM and a 2.13 Ghz Athelon processor. I used Easy VCD to burn because it was the only one I found that would except SVCD with A VCD header.(Stomp RecordNow Max and Ulead Movie Factory are the two I have most success with in the past. ) Any ideas why the video stops and starts??
I have also tried making a bin/cue image and then burning it.
Your Problem is that the Bitrate for SVCD is to high for your Player to handle..I have experienced the Exact same Effect on My Player when trying to find out the Max Bitrate my Player can handle, in My case It could handle up to 5000kbs but mine is Made to play SVCD"s were your"s isn"t..There is only one thing you can do to fix this and that is to get a New DVD Player that Plays SVCD"s...Or you can try useing a Lower Bitrate in your SVCD"s but then that would defeat the Purpose of Makeing SVCD"s, you can also Try makeing higher Bitrate VCD"s or XVCD"s..
I used DVD2AVI to produce a video file and a wav file from the movie inspector gadget 2. The audio file is a conversion from ac3 to WAV audio. When I play the file the sound works perfectly. But when I run TMPGenc to create a mpeg2 movie the audio disappears. I try to play the file and I get error message_unsupported audio source. Why does it work fine, then when it's run through TMPGEnc it doesn't have sound? I have read it must be a wav file and it is. I have tried everything, even using an older version of TMPG. I have made other movies, with no problem using the same settings. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, I AM LOSING MY MIND...I HAVE TRIED THIS 12 TIMES NOW...PLEASE, PLEASE HELP.
"If all else Fails Use something else" Is My Moto, Just use a seperate Audio encoder to encode the audio then Mux the audio with the Video you allready have encoded..There are Quite a Few Good Quality Audio encoders, I use "Headac3he" to encode My Audio, It is a Very High Quality audio encoder and it is Freeware But it is Pretty Slow, there are Many others, a Couple Pages Back there is a Post By "Ashy" that has some links to MP2 Audio encoders..
this is what I get in some files I'm trying to convert from avi to mpg: The MPEG file you are about to create may exceed the file size of media you are going to write to, thus you may not be able to write the data onto the disk. Do you wish to continue?
The file size is 340MB and less than 45 min. It's a tv series and all the other files I had no problem with. Can't change the bitrate, it changes it back. I've tried vcd and svcd but no difference. It says estimated file size 1192MB,average video bitrate:1150 kbit/s, audio 224 kbit/s. make the file size 163,74 % of disk capacity. What do I do? I have recently had the same problem with a couple of other avi's but from a different program.
Well if you know for a Fact that the source file is Only 45 minutes then Just encode it anyways,It should be OK....And to change the settings Like the Bitrate and other settings you just have to exit the Wizard then click "Load" and Navigate to the "Extra" Folder, it should be inside the "Templates" Folder, then Load the "Unlock.mfc" Template, this will unlock all of the settings....
My DVD player (not on PC) won't play the file in the single mpg format. It requires multiple files such as CDI, MPEGAV, VCD etc. Can this be done if so how? Thanks!
You need a Program that is For Burning VCD"s, Every VCD/SVCD Burning Program formats the files this way so your DVD Player can play them, You can"t just burn the Mpeg file to a Disk as a Data Cd..Nero Can burn Plain VCD"s and SVCD"s with no Special Features and VCDEasy can burn VCD/SVCD"s with Chapters..And there are Many other programs that can add Menu"s and Chapters and other special features to your Movie But none are Free..And when burning as a VCD or SVCD you can fit up to 800mb on a 700mb CD-R were you can only fit 700mb as a Data CD...